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大理驾校考试 英文

1、How to pass the intersection when running straight

A. turn on the hazard lights and pass

B. directly speed up and pass straight

C. yield to the vehicle from the right road

D. yield to the vehicle from the left road


2、What pedal is it?

A. clutch pedal

B. accelerator pedal

C. brake pedal

D. handbrake


3、A motorized vehicle runs on the road without a label of insurance, the traffic police can detain the vehicle license according to law.

A. Right

B. Wrong


4、Driving a motorized vehicle on the road in violation of road traffic regulations shall be subject to relevant punishment.

A. Right

B. Wrong


5、Which is correct when changing lane?

A. turn on the directional signal and turn left quickly

B. reduce speed properly when entering the left lane

C. cannot interfere other vehicles

D. speed up to enter the left lane


6、How to use lights when entering the speed-reducing lane?

A. turn on the hazard lights

B. turn on the head light

C. turn on the left-turn signal

D. turn on the right-turn signal


7、Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. Y-shaped intersection

B. T-shaped intersection

C. intersection

D. ring intersection


8、What is this instrument?

A. speed and mileage meter

B. engine tachometer

C. top speed meter

D. fuel consumption / 100 km


9、Whats the meaning of these white rectangle markings?

A. long time parking

B. time limited parking

C. free parking

D. special parking


10、Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. no U turn

B. no changing to left lane

C. no turning left

D. no entering the left lane


11、Whats the meaning of this sign?

A. left one-way road

B. right one-way road

C. straight one-way road

D. yield if going to turn right


12、When seeing a watch for children sign while driving, the driver should _______.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Bypass

C. Maintain the normal speed

D. Carefully select a speed


13、As the traffic flow at an interchange is generally one-way, the vehicles do not have to reduce speed when passing.

A. Right

B. Wrong


14、The light switch is in this position, front fog lights turn on

A. Right

B. Wrong


15、A motorized vehicle that will turn right at an intersection but has a vehicle in front in the same lane waiting for the green light should ______________.

A. Stop and wait for his turn

B. Honk to indicate the vehicle in front to yield

C. Bypass the vehicle in front from the right side and go through the intersection

D. Bypass the vehicle in front from the left side and go through the intersection


16、No U turn at this section.

A. Right

B. Wrong


17、Driving on the expressway with full signs and marking, the driver should run in the lane and at the speed according to _________.

A. Signs and markings

B. Rules on road traffic safety

C. Vehicle manual

D. Local regulations


18、When the driver is suspected of drinking or drunk in a traffic accident, preserve the scene and immediately report to the police.

A. Right

B. Wrong


19、When a vehicle runs on a narrow mountain road, the driver should ______ if the party close to the mountain mass refuses to yield.

A. Honk to urge the other party to yield

B. Maintain the normal speed

C. Reduce speed or stop to yield

D. Use the left lane and pass with care


20、Driving a small passenger vehicle at 100km/hr on the expressway, the minimum distance from the vehicle in front is _____ .

A. not less than 20 meters

B. not less than 10 meters

C. not less than 50 meters

D. not less than 30 meters
